Undergraduate Admissions
菲律宾十大彩票平台大学招生办公室支持招生工作, admissions, 对所有本科生进行首次招生. 在下面选择你的学生类型来了解你的具体入学要求.
参观菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的校园与我们的学生经历相呼应——个人的, relevant, and totally worth the effort. Tour our campus with a current student, 与你感兴趣的领域的教员见面, 然后回答所有这些紧迫的问题.
欢迎来到历史悠久的比尤特,它位于大陆分水岭上北落基山脉的中心. Easy access to hiking, biking, climbing, camping, hunting, fishing, and epic downhill, back-country, 越野滑雪就在我们身边.
不能亲自去学校参观? 获得菲律宾十大彩票平台学院校园的高分辨率鸟瞰图, explore some residence hall rooms, see inside our high-tech labs, 还有更多——一切都在舒适的沙发上进行.
家长和监护人,我们欢迎您参与您的学生的旅程! 了解更多关于招生、经济援助、住房等的信息.
Are you a high school counselor? 我们有资源可以帮助您和您的学生.
We're here to help. We will guide you on your campus visit, through the application process, right up until you take your first class.
Have you attended Montana Tech before? 如果你缺勤了,你需要重新申请. The process is quick and simple.
(406) 496-4791